Saturday, January 10, 2009

Twitter This and

Twitter's Update PageImage via WikipediaHave you gotten involved with the new social media phenomena?

I've taken the plunge with twitter which allows you to post
up to 140 characters in, sort of, a live stream of consciousness
online diary or updating medium for one's friends and

(It turns out that, because one can post from one's
cellphone, that some people actually made postings
during the Mumbai tragedy.)

Of course, I'd like to go over the limit.
There are many "twitter type" gadgets
and applications which have been developed
to do amazing things with and for our
twitter postings.

One category is shorteners which allow
more than 140 characters to be typed and
then the post is re-configured to show the
beginning words and then has a link added.
This link contains the rest of your comments.

Now the title of my blog is "life as a case study".
Of course, neither of these two services would
work for me this morning!!!
I entered and checked my twitter credentials properly,
but no shortened posts.
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